Published On: January 8th, 2024

Mid-Hudson Fiber completes over 600 miles of fiber build

As we begin the new year, Mid-Hudson Fiber (MHC) remains committed to its plan to complete their fiber rebuild in 2024. The company’s next generation fiber to the home (FTTH) broadband service is currently deployed throughout the service area with the fiber backbone 90% completed. The fully funded multi-million-dollar construction project is on track to continue into the new year and will bring symmetrical multi-gig internet speeds to the residence and businesses in the counties we serve (Columbia, Greene and Albany). In addition to all of the completed conversions we will continue new installations for FTTH to outlying areas of the system. These conversions and new installations will continue strengthening Mid-Hudson ‘s position as the most secure, reliable and future proof network in the counties we serve. At the end of 2023, we have deployed over 600 miles of fiber plant and passed over 18,000 homes and businesses with fiber service. As a business with over 52 years of experience MHC is fully committed to bringing cutting edge future proof services to its loyal customer base.

Last year James Reynolds, president of MHC expressed his eagerness for significant community development “Mid-Hudson ‘s fiber, business has been growing exponentially, and we are proud to continue this growth to new and existing customers with that said, Mid-Hudson Fiber is proud to continue our partnerships with both Greene, Columbia and Albany counties where we have committed to building an additional 130 miles of fiber plant serving 800 additional homes that are currently unserved.”

“Our fiber network is the vital driving force behind providing the scalability and reliability our customers need and expect” said Rachel Puckett, Director of community relations and planning at Mid-Hudson Fiber vision. “This upgrade will provide the reliability and capacity that is needed today, but more importantly, will be able to meet the demands of tomorrow.”