I affirm under penalty of perjury that all statements made on this application are true. I understand that all statements made by me in connection with this application for employment are subject to investigation and verification which may include checking any and all public records to verify the accuracy of information provided. The company reserves the right to do drug testing prior to employment. An omission, material misstatement or fraudulent representation may disqualify me from appointment and/or lead to revocation of my appointment.
I understand and agree that if employed I will be subject to 180 day probation period. I also understand that if employed my employment will be for no definite period and may be terminated by either the company or myself at any time without previous notice and either any written or oral statement made by any managerial or supervisory official of the company shall be construed to establish any contractual relationship between the company (including any related company, any parent, subsidiary, or successor company and myself).
By checking this application I agree to any background check and validity of my statements.