Mid-Hudson will expand Fiber to 301 homes in Westerlo
Westerlo, have you heard the good news? Fiber is headed your way, we’re so excited to be part of this broadband project to give you and your neighbors the absolute best, secure and reliable fiber internet!
More than a year since it was announced that the town of Westerlo would receive $1,687,500 for broadband expansion from the federal government, a company has been hired to lay the cable.
On Tuesday night, the Westerlo Town Board accepted a bid by Mid-Hudson Fiber to lay down nearly 40 miles of cable that will provide broadband access to 301 homes in the town.
Supervisor Matthew Kryzak told The Enterprise that the project is expected to break ground in the summer of 2024, and that there is “a lot of red tape and formalities” to get through with the federal government before construction starts.
He also said that it’s believed the expansion will mean that every home in the town has access to broadband.
“From what we are able to determine from current broadband mapping, we will achieve 100-percent infrastructure coverage of the town,” said Kryzak, adding that the town is working to verify this by making sure its maps are up to date.
The project will make use of the entire federal grant, and any costs that go beyond that will be the responsibility of Mid-Hudson, according to the proposal.
Mid-Hudson’s competitor for the project was Midtel, which said it could cover 116 homes for the same amount of money, according to meeting minutes.
The proposal says these streets will receive cable: Albany Hill Road and its extension; county routes 1, 402, 408, and 413; Clickman Road; Delaware Turnpike; Goodfellow Road; Johnny Cake Hill Road and its extension; Kropp Road; Lombardi Road; Lorin Dee Drive; McDermott Lane; Peter Drive; Robin Ann Lane; Van Leuven Road; state routes 32, 404, and 411; Kuster Road; Swartout Road; and Boomhauer Road.
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